
Barcode Production tracking system.It is a computer system that produces bar-coded bundle tickets which travel with Bundles from the first operation to the last, each operation has its own coupon which is detached by the operator who does the operation and every 2 hours these coupons are scanned and a multitude of important information about the points above is produced


Fundamentally it will automatically produce all of the information you need to control the performance of the sewing and finishing areas of your factory

  • Accurate and reliable information
  • Incentive scheme provision
  • Piece work earnings
  • Freeing supervisors and Managers to manage
  • Total Work in Progress Control
  • Assistance with Line balancing
  • Simple for operators to understand
  • Accurate and reliable information
  • Skill matrix

Barcode Scanning

You can scan as often as you wish, we recommend four times a day. Thus 2 hours after work has commenced management knows exactly where the problems are, and can take corrective action. The information gathered is “Live” and can be available on the manager’s desk immediately after the scanning process. Each direct operator must be scanned every scanning period. All information is captured including produced minutes, absent time, lost time, off standard time and overtime. Lost time (time that the operator looses through no fault of their own) is captured against a reason, thus highlighting areas that need attention.

After scanning, all work done by the operator is held in an audit trail and can be tracked back, tickets cannot be scanned twice, and this effectively “Seals” the operator’s ability to “Cheat” the system. “Missing” tickets become a thing of the past as operators learn that when a ticket has been scanned an audit trail exists.

Work in Progress!

There is comprehensive work in progress tracking within the system. When the operation sequence is created certain operations are identified as progress points. There are up to 10 progress points available. These are “Soft Coded” so can be named to suit you

Incentive Structures

There are a number of bonus structures available, Individual, Group, a combination of Individual and group; piecework and stepped. It is also possible to print the money value of the work completed on the bar-coded ticket instead of the target. This lets the operator calculate exactly how much she/he has earned as during the day/week.

Skills Matrix

The system will automatically build a skills matrix for every operator, showing what operation types he/she can do and the efficiency that has been reached on the various operations. This information is invaluable when balancing lines, and during the installation of new styles, and is also very necessary to produce training plans to show you where insufficient skills are available.



  • Period Efficiencies
  • Section Efficiency
  • Division and Factory Efficiency
  • Piece Work earnings
  • Incentive payments
  • Lost Time
  • Operators below %
  • Score sheet
  • Style Status report
  • Work in progress
  • Many More..



Ethical Standard Times


Factory Digitalisation to achive Industry 4.0


RFID based real time production tracking system


Total Fabric Control


Inventory management System


Instant Line Balancing & laout